There was an Indian youth who had great strength, extreme speed, stealth, honed hunting skills and was quite cunning. His youth, high spirit and unmatched skills along with his extreme attitude spurred on his assumption of entitlement to be chief.
One day he challenged the elder chief and directly confronted him. The youth boldly proclaimed that he did not see nor hear the spirits which the chief so often spoke of. The chief asked him to walk to the stream with him. The chief asked the bold youth to get down on his knees and to gaze into the water. The youth arrogantly obliged him.
As the youth closely gazed into the water, the chief grabbed him by the neck, thrust his head under water and held him there while the youth fought wildly and was let up just prior to losing consciousness.
The surprised, scared and gasping-for-air-youth immediately cried out, 'Why did you try to kill me'?
The wise chief responded, 'Until you seek the spirits with the same vigor as you struggled for that breath of life, you shall not find them."
To reap the greatest gifts of the Trad Gang family, search for your place, listen and let your voice be heard.
Welcome, my friend.