here we go again with myths and old wive's tales.
endless bowstrings, or any bowstring type for that matter, have NOTHING TO DO WITH "HANDSHOCK" on release. "handshock" is all about the BOW and ARROW, and maybe the shooter, too. NOT ABOUT THE BOWSTRING.
"parachute"??? if you THINK that's an issue, and it IS NOT, do what most endless string users do - round off the string with a coupla twists and make it more "aerodynamic".
and before it comes up again for the hundredth time, if you make up two bowstrings with the same string fiber and strand count, both strings will be of equal strength.
either string type will work just fine and get the job done. this is purely SUBJECTIVE stuff. the only real diff'rence 'tween the two string types is HOW THEY ARE MADE and how they look. not how they perform for bowhunters. period.
let's get back to shootin' and huntin'.