Absolutely right.
I live in a town of 800 people 60 miles from the Canadian border on the east slope of Cascades about 3000 miles or so from where I grew up in a small town in Pike County, Illinois. In the whole valley there's probably not more than 4,000 full-timers and another 6,000 part-timers. It's pretty isolated, still good and country, but not to complain too much, a bit touristy and spandexy and Leer-jetty, if you know what I mean.
There are, at my last count, a half dozen trad archers in this isolated valley. I knew none of them 8 months ago.
Guess where I met the first one. Here. At TradGang.com No kidding. Saw his photos from a hunt in Hawaii and said, "Hey! I know that guy!"
Even though I grew up with a recurve and have flirted with trad archery since the 90s, I finally dove into the traditional bowhunting pool just 8 months ago. For the first time in a long time I feel like I'm home and a large part of that is TradGang.