Scrub, they are plenty smart.They tend to lay up durring the heat of the day,best early in the morning or late evening. The exception is if it starts raining.The good thing about a light rain is you can walk quiet too. Hogs cant see near as good as a deer,cant hear as well either, but their nose is twice as good as a deer.I usually just walk around till i find fresh rootings and then follow a few steps and look,,a few steps and look some more.If you see the rootings have all of a sudden stopped,,thats a good sign they know you are around.Often i will get right in the middle of half a dozen in the palmettos before i see them.Sometimes if you see that you have spooked them you can look around and take a guess witch way they went and sort of head them off.Unless you spook them real bad,,they dont take off like deer do but usually just sort of go over the ridge to get a lil bit away from you.They are masters of being able to run thru thick brush without makeing any noise at all.You will see them running everywhere but not hear the first twig crack, just like a ghost.Because their eye sight is not that good,,you can raise your bow even when they are real close, and get a shot off, much easier than a deer.If their butt is to you they wont see you at all,,they cant look over their shoulder like a deer can.