I'm not intentionally dragging this out but 3 kids in at least 2 activities each take some tradgang time away from me.
Tuesday, 9/6/11:
We awoke at 5:00 am to rain. I'm not afraid of hunting in rain but it can make a long, elkless day even longer. And Tuesday was long, and it was elkless :(
We decided to give Darren's Mountain a break and headed south to a small alpine lake. The area below the lake was mostly meadows and they were torn up with elk sign. Fresh crap, tracks and a busted up pine tree showed at least some of it was bull-sheet. (BTW, Darren and I are marketing elk crap as the newest aphrodisiac. It's also a great camo makeup. So a slick campaign will launch our new "Bull Sheet" line of Viagra competitor and male cosmetics. Look for it in 2012.)
Back to hunting. We tried a couple calling sequences but the rain and wind drowned us out, literally.
The size of the bed next to the trashed tree had us dreaming of giant bulls in this godforsaken hell-hole so we tried a screaming, bugling tree smacking sequence trying to wake up King-Kong. It didn't work.
By 10:00 we were done. On the way back to camp we came across a trio of puddle-ducks. They tempted us even more than "Camp Meat" Several days of pasta and rice washed down with bags of tuna make a man hungry for fresh meat. But, alas, ethics and Federal law saved their little souls. Plus they flushed pretty quickly
Back at camp, we discovered a small lake under Darren's tent. We built a fire and kept it big to try to dry things out. The rain returned in its full vigor and we retreated to our respective shelters for a while. In the end, that was horrible so we stood in the rain, as close to the fire as our plastic ponchos would allow. Thankfully, the rain slacked up enough to get me out to a nearby meadow for an evening sit. Darren stayed at camp and dried his home out. I saw no elk but Darren reported that "Camp Meat" returned and tried to get into our food bags so he had to chase her off.
The rain stayed sporadic through the evening but we were able to get relatively dry and relatively comfortable for sleeping.
Tomorrow we hunt the morning but pack into base camp in the afternoon. That's a 5.5 mile trip with the first 2 miles bushwhacking. Looking forward to it