I'm sorry Scott, and Jeffrey....but it is indeed about drawing a line in the sand.
Nobody with a "can't we all just get along" attitude ever won a debate or got a season granted or protected in a state Fish and Game meeting. Only those with agendas attend these things, and only those with agendas get politically involved. Give me one person with a good argument and he/she will be able to "whip the pants" of a hundred "can't we all just get along" folks. To say that if we just shut up and "take it" as it comes and everything will be alright is naive at best.
And it smacks of hypocracy to call names whenever someone who disagrees with your "get along" attitude speaks up. Should'nt you just "shut up" and take it....like you suggest they do?!!!
Intospection is necessary in our sport and has always been there.
Saxton Pope, and Art Young drew a line in the sand with their choices in modern bowhunting's infancy. The very existence of each and every state and national traditional organization is a "drawing" of lines. And....bow seasons, (like it or not) were formed by folks with specific gear who "drew lines" and fought hard to get them implemented. I guess they all were "elitists".
And hey...they did'nt have to deal with half the techno junk we have today and they were sick of it all, even back then!
You're right...there is a time and place for all to live....and bowhunters carved out their own "niche" and now, because of the "anything goes" crowd...we are faced with losing opportunity if we don't police ourselves and fight a bit amongst ourselves to keep what we have. Some of the names bandied about because of their opinions were among the few who stood strong when traditional bowhunting was at it's weakest. They saw what complacency has done to our sport and how out-of-control it has all become. Bowhunting never was supposed to be for everyone....only those who choose to accept the challenge were granted the increased opportunities. Can you say that modern bowhunters today are all about "accepting the challenges"??? No Way! They are all about doing whatever is legal and easiest.
Challenge remains the one thing about what we do that separates us from them...and make no mistake, what we do is very different from what they do. Challenge and accepting it is what defines us as traditional bowhunters, and we all have differing levels of that, and we recognize that our "satisfaction" is derived from our ability to overcome these. It is what keeps us doing this for a lifetime....neverending challenge. So what is wrong with a bit of "challenge" from time to time from those within our own ranks??? Nothing. It keeps us all healthy....wondering if we have "what it takes".
Personally, although I don't always agree with everything many of those type writers like to say, I love to hear their thoughts on the subject....and sometimes, sometimes, they get me thinking. And that's a good thing.