It has been my personal experience and conclusions drawn from visiting with others that the reason most archers have trouble with high FOC arrows is they have not taken the time to tune their arrows. Switching to high FOC weights generally requires a change in arrow spine maybe even feather length and height. It is not for everyone mainly because most people do not like change and they are satisfied with their set up .For those that want to learn more about their sport and are not satisfied with status quo, experimenting can be very rewarding Those who hunt and because of age , or injury have had to reduce bow draw weight FOC arrows in the 20% to 30+% allow the hunter to reduce bow weight and still hunt with a extremely lethal arrow. Archers who hunt dangerous game already know the benefits of heavy FOC arrows.
The argument that heavy FOC arrows loose trajectory has validity. One has to weigh the advantages over the disadvantages. I believe that in ranges up to 25 yards it does not make any difference .Once one comments to a high FOC arrow they should only practice w1th that set up .If you shoot instinctively your brain adjust and compensates. Most game killed with a traditional bow is under 25 yds.
In order to shoot high FOC arrows it does not mean you have to shoot extremely heavy over all weight arrows. New carbon arrows have been developed that are high in spine and not extremely heavy. This allows the archer to place more of his total arrow weight up front and not use extremely heavy arrows which effect trajectory. On company making such arrows is Alaskan Bowhunting Supply a sponsor here on tradgang. There probably other manafctures that I am not aware of. I am personally shooting a 750 gn total weight arrow from a 50lb longbow. Of that 750 grain 360 grains are up front. That is with a standard carbon arrow not the new “momentum arrows”
If experimenting with FOC visit for a explanation and calculator to help in figuring percent of FOC
One should keep in mind FOC is a advantage in soft tissue and may not contribute to penetration of bone. Keeping the total arrow weight above 650 grains will help if metal hits bone