Get up, put on as much of your normal gear as you can stand in the heat, go climb the stand/sit in the blind for an hour or so. Watch the deer/other critters as they wander by. At this point, you might practice a dry draw at a real live critter (might want to check on legality. This could, even though you aren't hunting, be considered "harrassment" of game, though I have yet to have game notice me and look harrassed). After they have left, shoot one arrow at either a target you have placed or a blunt at any old thing around you. This is as real as I've been able to make it. Obviously, this looks very much like real hunting, so you'll want to be able to explain yourself if you need to. I do this on my own place about a three minute walk from the house.
Other than that, I just shoot a lot every day at hay bales, targets (hate em), grass clumps, leaves, bark, etc.