Well, here is THE bear of the week. Karl Green is a lawyer from Florida who hunts with Eldon about every two years. Here are his own words....
This is the bear I took Saturday night. As you know the hunting was slow as the bears weren't moving during the week due to hurricane Irene. I was rather disappointed as it was the last day of the hunt and I had only seen one cub all week. On the last day Eldon reminded me that "You only need 30 seconds for things to change." At the end of the day the sun was going down and I realized I was disappointed with the hunting (not the "hunt," Eldon always puts on a GREAT hunt) for the week. I reflected on how much I enjoyed the time on vacation with my wife and daughter, all the other hunters, the beautiful woods and Portage, Maine. I was disappointed that I hadn't seen more bears, however. I usually hunt with a longbow so I certainly don't expect to kill an animal on every hunt but I had hunted hard and not much action in the woods. As it was almost dark I thought I would climb down. All the shadows were starting to look like bears. I realized there was a big shadow in the edge of the woods that I had not seen before. As I watched the shadow I thought it moved and sat tight. When it finally started moving towards the barrel it looked like 2 bears coming in. It wasn't until it turned broadside to lick the icing on the barrel (Eldon's special touch) that I realized it was a GOOD bear. I was running out of light so as soon as the bear was distracted I drew and shot. I crown dip my arrows white and fletch white so I can see my arrows in low light. I saw the arrow bury into the bear. I knew it was a good hit, high, but as my stand was high I knew I had the far lung. The bear rattled 3 times about 50-60 yds from the stand. One minute after the shot it was over.
A GREAT week turned into a PHENOMENAL week in 30 seconds.
I shot the bear with bow and arrows I made, STOS broadhead.