Hi all, here is a photo of my first for 2011 taken yesterday morning. Mule deer doe taken with my newly aquired Kwyk Styk, thanks Matt.

I hunt with my son, a good friend, and his son on a piece of property along a river about 25 minutes from my house. We got up about 4 a.m. and met out there at 5:15 which gave us enough time to get in our stands about 15 minutes before shooting light. Nothing much happened for the next 2 1/2 hours except the usual bird and small critter activity until I heard deer running my way. Suddenly a fawn ran top speed thru my shooting lane with the doe quite a distance behind. I got set and as she just started to enter the shooting lane I made a fawn bleat sound and she came to a 2 bound halt still in the opening. I drew, settled and released. The arrow hit about 6" left of where I was looking, but went thru the front of the lungs and clipped the aortic artery. Fortunately a very easy tracking job and a quick end. Not a bad start, less than 3 hours into the first morning of our 3 month long season.
Equipment used: Kwyk Styk, 51# @ 28", POC arrow with Bear Razorhead with bleeder, 29" NG to BOP, 3 - 5" feathers.
Thanks for looking.