Hello, Everyone,
I've been looking to add a nice new traditional bow to my collection, and I was hoping to get some assistance re. potential makers/brands. I've done a lot of looking around on the good ol' interweb, and I've read a fair amount of threads on various forums, but all I've found are general recommendations of individual brands. What I'm really hoping to find is a good comprehensive listing of traditional bow makers so I can just go down the list and check them all out one by one and make a decision.
I asked about this on another forum, and I was referred here as this forum's members likely have more experience and knowledge about traditional archery and y'all are more likely to have already gotten together on a thread and listed a bunch of these guys out. I hope that's the case!
I did search around and didn't find anything like this here, but I apologize if I just missed it.... I only got my membership to Tradgang today, and I'm not all that familiar with the site yet.
Thanks for any and all help, everyone. Have a nice day.