Had my velvet buck dead to rites last night and couldn't finish the deal. I've been debating on wether this buck was a shooter and after struggling to pin down a couple larger bucks I had picks of, decided to hang a stand and get on him this weekend while the velvet is still on. I sat this stand on Sat night in 102 deg sweltering heat with no sighting and decided to leaave it till last night.
At around 6:30 the does started filing into the beans....I snapped a pic of one standing 15 yds from me and text it to KentuckyTJ saying "mmmmmmmmm backstrap" LOL. He had just text me asking if I'd shot when 4 bucks stepped into the beans about 200 yards away. I didn't have to raise my binos to know who it was....
I text Tom "Big bucks gotta go" Within 4 min this buck was feeding 15 yards from me hard 1/4 too...I stood frozen w/ tension on the string...waiting for that little turn...he turned..a little more.....just a little more and I'll have both lungs......then a doe 150 yds away blew for who knows why....and he bolts...
Wow I was stunned! I had this dude hanging on the wall.
Crappy night....
Gets worse....
One of my buddies hunting 300 yds from me text me 15 min later and says "You're not gonna believe who I just killed"
yep.....What's the chances?
Oh well....wasn't meant to be I guess....
50 yd blood trail and we backed the atv down the hill to load him up....on the way up I manage to roll the polaris on top of me. Smooshed my rt hand up pretty good, but all in all I came out unscathed. Just another Monday right? LOL!
As I lay in bed last night at 3 am I contemplated what a crappy day it had been...then my mind turned to how fortunate I was to have an encounter with such a great animal and to not have been injured or killed in the atv incident. Not as bad a day when you look at it that way!
My stand was located in the Cherry tree just to the rt of the bucks runp in the top pic. Only straight tree I could find. Great 3-1/2 yo deer.
Still don't know why the deer blew..maybe a wiff of scent...I guess I'll never know.