I had the same thing with a well known boyer told me 3 weeks when I ordered. Then when I called at 4 weeks, got a close to being done and hoping to get to his film dip guy next week. So I call 2 weeks later, and no excuse (dog ate them, got chicken pox, etc..) should have them done this week, hoping to get to film dip guy next week! Deja Vu! Ended up being 3 months for some ILF limbs for his pricey ILF riser that I was told 3 weeks. The experience has made me dislike the bow even though I shoot it well. Havent got the dislike meter to sell it yet though!
Thats is frustrating!!! Good luck. Better to under promise and over deliver in my opinion, even if you lose some business!
You dont want to force the boyer into hurrying and sending along a turd, so I would get a used one here or borrow one for the season then not buy anything from that boyer again and tell your friends about your dealings!