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Author Topic: Got some WY blood on my "Brothers of the Bow" hat. Fall of 2012 update,  (Read 4770 times)

Offline wapiti792

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Re: Got some WY blood on my "Brothers of the Bow" hat. Fall of 2012 update,
« Reply #20 on: September 09, 2011, 02:34:00 PM »
Mike Davenport

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Re: Got some WY blood on my "Brothers of the Bow" hat. Fall of 2012 update,
« Reply #21 on: September 09, 2011, 02:38:00 PM »
The season gave him perfect mornings, hunter's moons and fields of freedom found only by walking them with a predator's stride.
                                                              Robert Holthouser

Offline Owlgrowler

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Re: Got some WY blood on my "Brothers of the Bow" hat. Fall of 2012 update,
« Reply #22 on: September 09, 2011, 03:18:00 PM »
Day 2. We decided to take up an offer to cross private property to access a mountain that, out of respect to the locals, will remain un-named. This involved a bit more climbing, and keeping up with the kid was a work-out, but, we started to hear the flutes. This area is very broken up,lots of up and down,convaulted I believe is the word, with a lot of springs and drainages, open sage ridges, dark timber slopes, aspen flats and hillsides, perfect.

We headed towards the nearest bad-daddy, one of those growling, deep chuckling bulls that makes the hair stand up on your neck and the adreneline start to flow. Just to get a look at him would make it all worthwhile. We closed the distance to about 200 yards, but he wasn't ready to brawl. Then another one bugled right below us on our side of the draw, and we thought, "Here we go". We could hear him walking in the timber towards us, but even with our most seductive cow talk he wouldn't come into view. Everybody shut up and the world went silent, we waited about a half hour, nothing.

So, we climbed back up to the ridge, glassed the open slope across from us, and saw a small bull walking into the head of the draw about a half- mile away. Too far with our time contraints. Onward and upward we went. When the ridge leveled out we stopped to rest and spotted a cow and calf on the ridge to our south. Jim called with his bugle and a bull answered way up ahead of us. I was bushed and Jim had to think about heading down the mountain, so we stayed where we were. 10 minutes later a bull chuckles about 200 yards away right on top of the ridge with us, he's coming!!

The old man.

The Kid.
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but no man having caught a large fish,goes home through the alley.

Offline Fritz

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Re: Got some WY blood on my "Brothers of the Bow" hat. Fall of 2012 update,
« Reply #23 on: September 09, 2011, 03:58:00 PM »
Great pics, keep 'em coming. Love the old man pic. My widow/quiver combo for this yr is your bows twin.
God is good, all the time!!!

Online Terry Green

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Re: Got some WY blood on my "Brothers of the Bow" hat. Fall of 2012 update,
« Reply #24 on: September 09, 2011, 03:59:00 PM »
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Offline Cyclic-Rivers

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Re: Got some WY blood on my "Brothers of the Bow" hat. Fall of 2012 update,
« Reply #25 on: September 09, 2011, 07:03:00 PM »

You'll live longer!

Charlie Janssen

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Re: Got some WY blood on my "Brothers of the Bow" hat. Fall of 2012 update,
« Reply #26 on: September 09, 2011, 07:58:00 PM »
West Virginia Bowhunters Association
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Offline Whip

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Re: Got some WY blood on my "Brothers of the Bow" hat. Fall of 2012 update,
« Reply #27 on: September 09, 2011, 10:07:00 PM »
Very cool Tad, but could you pick up the pace?   :readit:    :D
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In the end, it is not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years. Abraham Lincoln.

Offline FerretWYO

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Re: Got some WY blood on my "Brothers of the Bow" hat. Fall of 2012 update,
« Reply #28 on: September 10, 2011, 01:17:00 AM »
TGMM Family of The Bow

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Re: Got some WY blood on my "Brothers of the Bow" hat. Fall of 2012 update,
« Reply #29 on: September 10, 2011, 03:20:00 AM »
Nice pics and story,I wait for the rest!
1993 PBS Regular

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Re: Got some WY blood on my "Brothers of the Bow" hat. Fall of 2012 update,
« Reply #30 on: September 10, 2011, 05:50:00 AM »
awesome   :campfire:    :campfire:

Offline Owlgrowler

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Re: Got some WY blood on my "Brothers of the Bow" hat. Fall of 2012 update,
« Reply #31 on: September 10, 2011, 08:39:00 AM »
A Chinese fire drill erupts, granola bars and water bottles are replaced with calling and killing gear. I pussy-foot up the trail 50 yards to a group of small conifers, the main trail is 15 yards to my left,upwind, and I have a nice semi-open flat on my right. I got it covered. I glance back at Jim to make sure I can recieve hand signals, and there's a cow standing right next to him!!
Dang Montana Decoys.

I can hear the bull popping limbs up ahead... then all went silent, we waited and waited, nothing. Time to head back down the mountain. These bulls just weren't ready to play.
Bragging may not bring happiness,
but no man having caught a large fish,goes home through the alley.

Offline Owlgrowler

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Re: Got some WY blood on my "Brothers of the Bow" hat. Fall of 2012 update,
« Reply #32 on: September 10, 2011, 08:48:00 AM »
Day 3, Saturday, Jim has an all day trip on the books, and I'm beat. I took the day off and did some scouting, etc.

Day 4. This is the day I was really looking forward to. We put the coordinates of BLM land in the GPS, launched Jim's Clackacraft on the Snake, and floated down to some huntable river bottom spots. Tracks, trails, beds and droppings were everywhere, but we didn't see or hear a thing. I guess they only go out there at night, then back to private land during the day.
Bragging may not bring happiness,
but no man having caught a large fish,goes home through the alley.

Offline Butts2

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Re: Got some WY blood on my "Brothers of the Bow" hat. Fall of 2012 update,
« Reply #33 on: September 10, 2011, 08:53:00 AM »
Schafer Silvertip 58" 61@28
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Offline Owlgrowler

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Re: Got some WY blood on my "Brothers of the Bow" hat. Fall of 2012 update,
« Reply #34 on: September 10, 2011, 09:32:00 AM »
Day 5, Labor Day. Jim had to work all day. So, I planned on going back to were we went the fisrt day, Dog Creek. But, when the alarm went off that morning, something told me to forget it. It's a popular trail head, and there was an outfitter starting to bring in his trailers, etc. So, I waited a bit, then went on a scouting foray, starting with Dog. I met a young cowboy there that worked for the outfitter, they had no problem with me being there, which was refreshing, and he gave me some great information. Only thing was, there was another guide in there that morning with 2 out-of-state bowhunters, and they were setting up a spike camp right where I was going to go that morning. That would have been a crowd. These guys are making a living at this, so I'm glad I didn't go hornin in on their spot.

So, I drove around a bit to some other spots I found on the maps, and found 2 promising spots. Then late in the afternoon, I went to the nearest one, hiked in and up a couple miles and glassed until dark. All I saw was a couple moose, more horseback riders than I was comfortable with, and 3 piles of wolf dung, hmmm...

One of Jim's buddys is from New Zealand and his father was in town having a small Labor Day get-together. Jim had just put a piece of loin from his 6 year old bull that he shot last season and had been in the freezer almost a year, on the grill when he called me and told me I should come over and join the festivities. It's always good to see who your kid hangs with. I was impressed, good bunch of people. And one of em, Don,is also an outfitter.

When I drew my tag, I prepared myself to bring it home empty, or on a big bull. I was not going to shoot a small one. The kid thought I was nuts, "Shoot the first branch-antlered bull".

So, the old, freezer burned, dried out, rank bull loin came off the grill, and was immediately consumed! Man, that stuff is good. And then I talked with Don, and he told me there were a lot of elk on "No Name" mountain, mainly because, for some reason,there are no wolves. And he told me, "Shoot the first branch-antlered bull".

It was time to get serious.
Bragging may not bring happiness,
but no man having caught a large fish,goes home through the alley.

Offline Whip

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Re: Got some WY blood on my "Brothers of the Bow" hat. Fall of 2012 update,
« Reply #35 on: September 10, 2011, 01:58:00 PM »
Great story telling!  I am on the road now, but can follow along on my phone.  Lovin every last detail of your trip!
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In the end, it is not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years. Abraham Lincoln.

Offline chinook907

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Re: Got some WY blood on my "Brothers of the Bow" hat. Fall of 2012 update,
« Reply #36 on: September 10, 2011, 02:45:00 PM »
"Have I not commanded you ? Be strong and courageous.  Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go." Joshua 1:9

Offline jcar315

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Re: Got some WY blood on my "Brothers of the Bow" hat. Fall of 2012 update,
« Reply #37 on: September 10, 2011, 04:31:00 PM »
Proud Dad to two awesome Kids and a very passionate pig hunter.

Right handed but left eye dominant.

Proud to be a Native TEXAN!!!!!

"TGMM  Family of the Bow"

Offline Owlgrowler

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Re: Got some WY blood on my "Brothers of the Bow" hat. Fall of 2012 update,
« Reply #38 on: September 11, 2011, 11:30:00 AM »
Day 6. I'm flying solo for the next few days, Jim's booked for the next 2 days, then I will put him on the plane Thursday  a.m. for a Saturday wedding back in NJ.

I get out of the truck and hit the trail about 5:15, put my head down and go, onward and upward until I hear a bugle. I go up the same spine that we went on day 2, and right about in the same spot, there's that same sounding bugle. Instead of bugling back and going down the north slope through the timber, I back down a bit, cross the top of the spine on an open bench, and there across the draw on the open south slope is a small bull about 200 yards away,(as the bullet flies, there's a deep ravine between us), walking a trail up and in to where the bugle came from. I cow call to him to get his attention, he looks my direction for a bit then continues on, disappearing into the timber that covers the bottom of the draw and spreads up the slope he's on. I'm cow calling as I move towards him across the open bench, and as I hit the timber I notice a big rub, NICE, there ahead is where I'll wait in ambush. He gives a weak, whiny little bugle, I got him hooked and I'm reeling him in. As I'm getting to my spot, I see a heavily used trail exiting the bench, with another nice rub. So, I decide to take a peek down this trail, maybe there's a better spo...,%$#@!!!, there's a bull 50 yards away and coming, but he's got me. All he can see is my face, but he doesn't  like it, after a minute he wheels around and thunders away down the trail. I cow call to him and thought maybe I had changed his mind because I could hear limbs popping in the timber to the left of the trail, but no. If I had gone to the spot I had originally picked, and he continued on, it would have been a 15 yard shot. oh well

It's 8:00, I hydrate, eat a granola bar, chill, let things settle down, he never did smell me. And there it is, a hearty, big bull sounding bugle,maybe 200 yards up the draw. Game on! I continue on the trail the bull fled on and notice he never left it, the limbs I heard popping must have been another elk. And I'm pretty sure the bull I saw originally, wasn't the one that caught me flat-footed. Bunch o' elk in here.

I cross the creek in the bottom and make my way as silently as possible up the south side, I'm pretty sure they're going to stay in the timber all day. And with the sun heating up the thermals and the wind starting to swirl, it's probably a good idea not to get too close.

The big bull continues to bugle as he makes his way up and into his lair, pulling me along like the Pied Piper. Finally he stops, looks to be a bench in there in the timber. I'm directly across the draw from him now, 300 air yards seperating us. He bugled,chuckled, growled and whistled, all day.

I'm sitting on a heck of a trail, and its pointing directly at the elk. So I follow it back on my side of the ravine. Heavily used wallow. cool

Then I decide to go around the head of the draw, so that I can slip into the timber above him. As I'm approaching the head of the draw, there's one last tree then about 100 yards of open that I'll have to cross totally exposed to anything in the timber. I better think this over. Just as my butt touches the ground in the shadey cover of that tree, I see movement. It's him, and he's a biggun. And he's maybe a hundred yards away. Whew. So I watch him eat and rub a tree, it was awesome. Then he disappeared back down where I thought he should have been. Time for another plan.

I go back to my spot directly across from him by the trail leading to the wallow and take that time-honored elk hunting midday nap. You gotta be able to do that if you want to hunt elk. I fall asleep to the sounds of gusty swirling winds, first from the south, then from the north, thunder in the distance, bulls bugling every once in awhile... peaceful stuff.

All of a sudden I'm trying to shake the grog from my brain because the elk talk has changed, it's getting more frequent and I think closer. My head clears, and I realize he's not any closer, but the wind has changed, straight from the south, straight from him to me. I'm going in!

I go straight at him, down my slope right up into his bedroom, only I don't think he laid down all day. I just get in there and I see a cow heading down the ravine about 60 yards away, I was afraid there would be a lot of eyes and noses in here, but she never saw me, just natural movement. I wait until he makes a noise so that I can pinpoint his location. Soon he does a little chuckle, maybe a hundred yards away, up and in. I make my move, up a slope to my right, I rolled a rock, so I cow called. Three more steps to get to the top of a little knob and I catch movement ahead, 2 spikes and a cow at 25 yards. Freeze.

They're feeding. I'm in an awkward position, there's a dead branch under my pack's shoulder strap, I don't want to move, I can hear 'em talking to one another, I can hear the closest spike chewing, and here comes a branch antlered bull... Jim's words come back to me, "Shoot the first branch antlered bull", he's about 30 yards away, covered up with branches, no shot.

He beds down. Facing me. One of the spikes feeds by at 20 yards giving me a wide open broadside opportunity. Then he turns around and feeds back giving me the other side. I can't take it, I have to shift, I get the branch out, cool. Straighten my legs out, excellent. The big boy chuckles back in and I turn my head a bit to look, and the small bull sees it. Jumps to his feet and blows outta there.

I hit the bugle hard, raked some trees, tried to convince him that the little guy ran from another big bull and that he should come down here right away and kick some ass. He didn't buy it. He bugled back to me. As he took his herd up and out of the draw. Dang
Bragging may not bring happiness,
but no man having caught a large fish,goes home through the alley.

Offline dhill1520

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Re: Got some WY blood on my "Brothers of the Bow" hat. Fall of 2012 update,
« Reply #39 on: September 11, 2011, 12:10:00 PM »
Great Story! Thanks for Sharing
Centaur 56" 45#@25"
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D/H Super Diablo 60" 57#@28"

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