Sure was good stuff. I havent heard yet if my Thunder Child made it back to Downsville safely, it better have. You guys are all good people and Ida driven out there just for dinner if I had to work that day. You guys are all the real deal and I truly enjoyed my time spent with you all. Pissed that I didnt take pics but my camera was safe in a zip lock bag and it wouldnt have been if I took it out longer than a few minutes. For those who dont know, at the start of the hunt, the weather was a pleasant 45 degrees or so with no wind and no rain. Charlie, Ron, Casey and I set off to the top of a mountain as a group and and planned to string out one by one.
By the time and just about the time we got to where we wanted to be it started sprinkling and getting heavier and heavier by the minute. Just as we set up the skies opened up bad and turned into an all out downpour. My only hope was to don my GoreTex from my pack and take cover under the canopy of a beech tree.
I sat for 4 hours or so and saw and saw nothing but a yetti, or a Bow Spirit, or Domestic Death, or Aqua Man whatever you want to call him. I took pleasure counting coup on him from 20 yards, lucky I didnt have a judo with me. :D