Dispatch from north central washington:
Up before dawn to stake out a spring. Good spot. Natural choke point only about 18 yards across full of green grass, berries and daylighted water.
Three coyotes all came into the kill zone but didn't want to blow the hunt and ruin a broadhead. Couldn't have shot them without hitting solid rock on the other side. But they were gimmee shots.
They were there about 5 - 10 minutes and then all three winded me at the same time and kind of looked around on full alert then trotted off. I could almost see the goosebumps on their necks.
Finally, I had to boogie to the salt mine so up and out of there I went right across the sage, bow up on my shoulder kind of dog trotting blind into the sun and then ka-boom. A nice 4x4 muley came right up out of the ground like a pheasant not 15 yards away.
Scared the beejeepers out of me. Not sure what I scared out of him.
Note to self: it's not done until you're back in the house.
BTW, a while back someone posted all those snake photos, THEN I killed a rattler in the garden, and now guess what's the only thing I can think about going through tall grass where I can't see the ground...
I'm doing OK on grouse. One SNAFUed effort on four legal bucks (3 pt on one side or better), but they walked faster than I could run, especially when I run the wrong way. One good stalk/ambush on what I thought was a small white tail buck (all whitetails are legal) but when he came out of the tall grass could see he was a mule deer with weird velvet horns.
Weather is just brutal hot with lots of moon at night. Makes it tough. They're bedding before the sun comes up. Having a blast though. Feeling confident.