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Author Topic: We will never forget (new design)  (Read 1996 times)


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Re: We will never forget (new design)
« Reply #40 on: September 10, 2011, 05:13:00 PM »
Originally posted by grouseshooter002:
         I know that what I'm about to say will leave me alone in this discussion, but for what it's worth, 9/11/2001 wasn't about the armed services. The twin towers were a symbol of freedom and those that gave their all were civilians not military. Give them the respect that they so justly deserve and let the military come second in this case. This is how I see it and by the way this is my birthday so I will never forget.

Grouse [Rick]
What about The Heros that Fought back and crashed the Plane in Pennsylvania? The decal wasn't to Take anything from 9-11, Not to put Militery above all those that fell That Septmber

I just wanted a sticker that looked and said what I wanted.. Ryan and I talked and I told him My Idea.... You now own it. He finished it and liked it so much He offered it to Tradgang members.....

Offline adkmountainken

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Re: We will never forget (new design)
« Reply #41 on: September 10, 2011, 05:23:00 PM »
well i'll tell ya i LOVE it. hunting is very special to me and is ONE of the things among MANY we enjoy with our freedom.
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Offline Festivus

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Re: We will never forget (new design)
« Reply #42 on: September 10, 2011, 06:09:00 PM »
I respect the views and insights of those who have served. I discount everything else from people who never signed up and went through what they went through.

Nice decal by the way.

Sometimes, maybe even most of the time, the people who served in the military forces may say things that we civilians don't want to hear or agree with....but guess what? They were there and we weren't. They fought for that right.

The right to speak your mind freely is the most cherished right. Given the emotions surrounding such a decal that tries to intertwine both tradtitional bowhunting and the military I feel those who have served have a right to voice their opinion.

Offline USN_Sam1385

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Re: We will never forget (new design)
« Reply #43 on: September 10, 2011, 07:36:00 PM »
Originally posted by Mudd:
USN_Sam1385 "The truth is that they died because they put themselves into a dangerous situation, and got unlucky."

Sam I have some very mixed emotions when I read this statement. I think mostly because of my pondering about who really put them the situation to begin with. (This part of only pertains to the military personnel.)


I think that my statement really only pertains to the current war.

Many of you Nam boys were drafted, as were Korean war vets, world war II, World War I, etc.

That is one major difference about this war: everyone who has died volunteered.

So I would say that I agree with your view point, and my opinion only holds weight for this current conflict.

What is sad is that my generation, my father's generation, my grandfather's generation, and even his father and grandfather all had wars that they had to face as a country.

Hopefully our children and grandchildren won't know what war is..
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Re: We will never forget (new design)
« Reply #44 on: September 11, 2011, 09:55:00 AM »
Ryan, I think the decal is plain awesome!!!!!
I think it does have a great meaning to it. Yes, they did give all so we could hunt. Just like a baseball player will say"they gave all so I could play ball".etc... It's called Freedom! Sign me up for a T-shirt when you get them ready and I'll proudly wear it.
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Offline Roadkill

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Re: We will never forget (new design)
« Reply #45 on: September 11, 2011, 02:54:00 PM »
This retired jarhead will take a shirt when you are ready.  We went to those conflicts for a variety of reasons.  If I were not too old, I would go to Afghanistan.  We all have to be grateful for something
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Offline Ragnarok Forge

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Re: We will never forget (new design)
« Reply #46 on: September 11, 2011, 09:05:00 PM »
Ryan,  Your work and message is awesome.  I would love to get a sticker without the text and a T shirt for all four people in my family whenever you get some made, text or no text.  Let me know where to look and I will keep an eye open for them.
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Offline toppredator

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Re: We will never forget (new design)
« Reply #47 on: September 12, 2011, 09:53:00 AM »
I love it.  Very nice design, I'd love to get a t-shirt with that exact logo on it, preferably in camo.  TRW

Offline JAG

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Re: We will never forget (new design)
« Reply #48 on: September 12, 2011, 10:58:00 AM »
Thanks Ryan.  Let me know when shirts and stickers will be available.  My son is a Sgt. in US Army, want to send him and his friends a couple of each!
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