Originally posted by Mudd:
USN_Sam1385 "The truth is that they died because they put themselves into a dangerous situation, and got unlucky."
Sam I have some very mixed emotions when I read this statement. I think mostly because of my pondering about who really put them the situation to begin with. (This part of only pertains to the military personnel.)
I think that my statement really only pertains to the current war.
Many of you Nam boys were drafted, as were Korean war vets, world war II, World War I, etc.
That is one major difference about this war: everyone who has died volunteered.
So I would say that I agree with your view point, and my opinion only holds weight for this current conflict.
What is sad is that my generation, my father's generation, my grandfather's generation, and even his father and grandfather all had wars that they had to face as a country.
Hopefully our children and grandchildren won't know what war is..