While the Schlaggerman was off glassing, scouting and playing photographer, I was being taunted by a hard-horned 3x3 and a velvet-covered 4x4 that I caught traveling downslope after an evening of feeding. By the time they'd made their get-away a half-hour later, I was a wreck. It was one of those cases where they were teasingly close,yet not close enough, for a prolonged period of time. The encounter had me so pumped up with "jet fuel quality" adrenaline that it's just as well I didn't get a shot opportunity. I was shaking so badly that I almost crossed the line from having a bad case of the frog-leg, to near convulsions.For whatever reason, my extremities were totally out of control and there was nothing I could do about it! If anyone else had witnessed it, it would have been embarrassing, but in a hilarious kind-of-way.