I just got in last night, from a VERY long drive from Florida back to my home in Maine. I had a great weekend with Archery Outfitters / Nickie Roth, hunting wild hogs in southern Florida. I met some great folks, and had a nice hunt. The old 50# 1968 Bear Kodiak Hunter and Magnus 2 blade worked just fine. My wife is cooking up the tenderloins tonight for supper and I can't wait!
Anyone considering the trip south to hunt hogs and deer should contact Nicky Roth and book now, while you still can. He is an old school recurve shooter from back in the day, knows his stuff (no BS), and has a great crew working for him. I can't wait until my boy is a bit older so I can take him down to hunt this prime 1,246 acre archery only, farm land. The experience and fun of hunting real wild hogs made the long drive and the cost of gas seem trivial.
One of the high points of my hunt was seeing a father / son team score. The 16 year old boy had never shot ANY critter before, and drilled a nice boar right through the heart. That young man had a smile that reached all the way from the gulf coast to the Atlantic! I think he is almost ready to give up his training wheels and get a real bow...LOL!
Thanks Nickie and crew!!!! You guys are the REAL deal, a world class team. I'm looking through my gear so I can find the guide's cards / contact info in order to send them a "Thank You" card.