I can tell you that I under dressed...!!! lol
I saw one doe but not before she saw me.
It was about 8:15 approximately I think because I had just checked my watch about 10 minutes earlier to make a mental note as to when the wind had made a strong shift out of the east at 8:05.
All morning I was being reminded that wearing "Bug Skinz" is almost like wearing an air conditioner..lol When the wind picked up I felt as if all of my extremities were about to freeze so I did a slow stand up and stretch. As I started to turn I saw standing less than 50 yds front me a mature, sleek, fat doe who had me pegged since the one step I had taken left me with nothing behind me to break up my outline.
She didn't run off...yet anyway..lol
I decided that I would remain still until it looked safe to slowly get back into my Pacseat chair. I finally made it down to one knee, grabbed my bow, apparently making more movement that she could take..lol She turned and walked back the direction she came from.
I relaxed a bit and decided I need to make a change so if I had to stand up again I wouldn't have to take a step that would put me in the open without any back drop.
In the process of doing this(thinking she had left the country) I got nailed by her again as she had started to come back...lol
It is called hunting and I am supposed to be better at it than I was this morning.
All rookie like mistakes.
Oh well, it is just opening morning....lol
You can see by my attire that I am trying to meet Nate and a couple of others challenge of doing it as old school as I know how.
God bless, Mudd