The story of my biggest buck ever is pretty boring. Its not up north, its a Southern Missouri buck. Christian County. I have a stand up on top of a bill behind the farmers house above his pond. The fence is lower in a section about 60 yards down the hill so 2 weeks ago I moved a camera down there to see if much was going on.
The video in a post above is of some of the bucks that decided to walk in front of my camera. There are also 4 fresh scrapes in a 30 yard area.
A week ago Saturday I moved my stand down there, hunted there Sunday morning without seeing a thing. Mindy hunted there Sunday evening and had the same luck.
On Friday evening I went back and saw 5 bucks. I videoed two of the bucks and they are in the Playing with the camera video. I also saw the buck in the above post and would have gladly shot him but never had the chance.
Seeing 5 bucks it was an obvious choice where I would set Saturday morning. I even brought the rattling horns. Around 7:30 I set to rattling. I had already seen a decent 8 point but not close enough and though I would try and get him closer. Frankly I feel stupid rattling, I am making all kinds of racket when I feel I should be quiet.
I happen to look down the hill and all I see is a rack heading my way. I have had 3 cameras on this farm since August and I have never gotten a picture of this buck or even seen this buck. This dude is huge. Up the hill he comes, I did not know it at the time but there was another buck up the hill he was heading for I guess. He stops 20 yards out and paws the ground in two places, sort of making a scrape but not really.
Now I have him at 15 yards broad side, but still a walking. A couple of kisses real quiet and he stops. Now is my chance and I make it count, it was one of those shots that was obviously a mortal hit. Once he explodes out of there up the hill, several deer take off from there and one is another buck and some does.
I give it an hour before I climb down, mainly because I am covered up with deer. Two small bucks are out in front of me trying to see who is tougher.