Oh yeah..
My next oppurtunity to hunt will be on Sunday morning. I can either hunt the 13 acre property near my house, or head over to a local conservation area. I got drawn for the 2011 Sep 15-Oct. 2 Managed Bow hunt.
It is a 7,000 acre CA that I have hunted once before, 2 years ago. Really big area and tough to pin point the . All the squirrel hunters, people training their dogs, and bikers and hikers, do not do much good to ease the deer's minds.
Makes for tough hunting. Will probably take a crack at it Sunday though, depending on the wind.
I park at a sanitation site that is adjacent to the conservation area, ride my bike 3/4 mile down the hiking trail, cross a creek and go up a ridge, and end up on the very backside of the conservation area. Discovered that at the very END of the hunt I had 2 years ago.
Will be the first place I start this time, as most people do not think to utilize a parking lot that is not connected to the CA.