i got out early this morning, climbed to the top ridge with my climber and got setup and sat till about 9:30, and desided i would try and get a sqirrel, so slipped down into a steep valley where the dirt was soft still from the rain we had the other day,

(looking back from where i came from)
had two shots but missed,(but not by much)
10:30 i looked up on the ridge and there were two does walking the trail rite beneeth my stand,
so i slipped up and climbed in,
about 10 minutes later 4 does come down the trail rite to where i wanted them, but!
i had just crossed there, and they smelt me,
they werent sure what to do,they stood there for about 10 minutes, then decided they better go back the way they came,
i had them on video for 10 minutes standing there but i wont bore you with that.
just as i settled back down,
i looked behind me and 2 does are coming,
in a hurry i tried to get the camera turned around and on, but they were derectly behind my tree, and i gave up on the camera getting ready for a shot.
the bigger of the two was moving pretty quick and by the time i got turned she was behind a tree past me already.
so i turned my attention to the other one, she was only about 3-4 yards from my tree when she passed,
so i let her get out to about 7 yds.

the arrow hit her perfect, through the top of her lung and through the heart,
she bolted hard.

she went maybe a hudred yds, and died running.

the exit hole just off center of her briskett.

the broadhead cut her offside leg when it came through.