'Making the most of your Deer'
Not about hunting, tactics, techniques, seasons, methods, habitat or habits.
This books starts with your deer on the ground.
Hunting 'manuals' are all well & good if you happen to live in the same area as the author & hunt similar terrain. How many tmes have we been told to hunt the Rut in late October? Try that down here & you'll be 6-8 weeks early.
Tactics & methods used in the mid-west are great for the mid-west, but largely useless for the southeast.
I'd rather figure out how to hunt Tennessee deer by myself (or until someone writes a book called 'Hunting tiny, public land deer in a wifebeater & shorts')
What I do want to know, however, is how to best utilise every bit of whatever I shoot.
Do you know how to make soap from deer fat?
The author of this book does