alright, a quick story on that day, and one more pic, my favorite one! kinda like saving the best for last...
last monday morning was hot. 47 degrees before shooting light, 15 degrees warmer than what we'd been seeing. got into elk right away, spotting a small spike and 4 cows in a park. while sneaking in on the elk (there had been a nice 5 point in there a couple days before and i assumed he was with em) i heard bugling bulls up the canyon. my elk went that way in a hurry and i followed. couple hundred yards in i caught the first herd, as i could see several feeding cows and the bull was sounding off close by, but i couldnt see him. very dry conditions and calm wind meant slow progress, but i walked right along the small creek to help with the noise problem. getting to where the elk were, i found they had moved up the drainage a bit and were in the trees, on both sides, the herd master being on the west side. so in i went.
something comical happened here, i had cows around and he was running others above me, time to start talking! but in my haste, putting my diagram call in my mouth i failed to notice that the side of it had bent over and stuck to the reed. my first call was, well, a low pitched sorta squeal that resembled no animal on this planet!! fortunately nothing seemed to notice, so i rectified the call and got to it. the bull was reasonably close, behind a deadfall so i tried some somewhat whiny cow calls and then turned my head and let out an immature bugle. the bull wasnt interested and was moving away, fast, chasing im guessing a cow that was maybe coming into heat.
cat and mouse time! i ran, walked, called, and stuck with the herd through 2 small drainages, and in the bottom of the 2nd one i about hit pay dirt. id caught the bull, he was just below me so i was going to charge in when i felt the first hint of breeze for the day hit the back of my neck. so, i had to run side hill a good ways and try to get around the herd again. getting to where the bull was before, he bugled from the top of the next ridge...