It is rough for alot of folks. I personally am not feeling "it" this year either. In march, I lost my hunting buddy-7yo black lab-and being in the woods hasn't been the same since. I don't hunt for the enjoyment anymore, I am hunting out of necessity. I am unemployed, and have been for nearly 2 years (never thought with a Masters degree I'd have trouble finding work). Had to move back in with my folks, then my father lost his job too. If it wasnt for the deer I killed, the last 2 winters would have been difficult. Will things get better? I personally dont think so, not any time soon. From my interviews, I am always told that I have too much education/am overqualified for the positions I apply for. So with opening day just around the corner, I have my routes planned to save gas and maximize my hunting. Unfortunately, I have had to give up the stick and string and go back to the training wheels-I just cannot pass an opportunity at on a deer at 30-40 yards right now. But I'll keep knapping arrowheads in hopes of getting a break that I can resort to trad gear again soon.