Yesterday when I was shooting broadheads, 160 gr. Zwickeys, I started noticing really bad flight out of every fourth are fifth shot. 3 shots in a row fly perfectly, the next turns sideways coming out of my bow!
I try to single out the arrow that's messing up and find that all my arrows are doing the same thing. Next I tie on a bottom nocking point, and it seems to exaggerate the bad flight. But its still only about every 3 or 4 shots.
What's really bothering me here is a couple of months ago when I got the new Zwickeys in, I went out and shot at 40 yards. I had my cousin stand directly behind me for over 30 shots and neither of us saw anything but great arrow flight.
I don't know what could have changed or what is causing this to happen only a % of the time. I've been shooting all summer long with no problems. I need help.
My setup:
62" Pearson recurve 45 @ 28
30" draw
32" Traditional Only 500 carbon arrows 5" feathers
50 gr brass inserts
160 Zwickey Eskalites
178 fps with field points