I have Stinger 150's on my trad rig. I've killed afew deer with Stingers, though w/the wheelie bow. One 8 pt I shot at 10 yards looking right at me. It entered the throat, cut the aorta, went into the chest cavity and came out under the backstrap. He ran about 150 yards into a Cypress swamp. A blind man on a 21 speed bicycle could have trailed him. Funny thing, I got the arrow but the Stinger came unscrewed and fell out somewhere as the buck ran. Right wing feathers helical. I have shot one deer with the buzz blades, but have since retired those main blades. I don't like them. I'm from the old school where we had the rubber band block example in Bowhunter ed., and I believe in the razor smooth cut denying platlets something to cling to.