That evening was back at deer hunting, I got to sit a different stand, and did see some deer that evening, but none were with in bow range. That evening, there was 2 doe's and a couple of fawns out feeding on a sand bar, it was good to sit and watch. The difference between hunting this place with Mark, and the place I usually hunt, is here you can watch deer do what they do, the other place, it's usually watching them go by, so there is not a lot of learning deer behavior there.
the next day, Monday, we hunted elk, but got blown off the mountain. So we went back to the deer spot and put up a couple of stands, then we decided to go to a place where the wind wouldn't be so bad. That evening as we were getting into what looked like it could be some good hunting, the heavens decided to open up and pour on us, that kinda put a damper on chasing the elk that evening.
The next morning we were back to hunting deer, this morning I got to sit one of the new stands. On the way in I bumped a couple of deer, one was a big bodied deer, but it was too dark to see just how big he was. After getting to the stand, I figured that blowing them 2 out of there probably messed the hunt up, and was only half way paying attention, that is until, shortly after daybreak, I noticed off to the right, a couple of doe's and a fawn coming down the fence line.
They were on the wrong side of the fence, but they stopped and started to feed on the buffalo berry bush. After feeding for a bit the fawn, went down to the creek, and came under the fence, well it wasn't long till the one doe followed. She came up out of the creek and was about 10 yards away, so it was arrow away, and from everything I saw it was a perfect hit! In that instant she jumped the creek in front of me and just stood there, the other two deer didn't even move, they just kept about feeding. The doe that I shot stood there for about 7 minutes, and then walked around behind a bush and died there. I have heard about this happening, but have never seen it happen before.
That evening I got to sit the same stand, and well it was a real adventure.......................