Oct 1 here in IN too..........
Forecast? Mostly sunny NNE wind 9mph 60 high, 43 low.
I took the day off, Work sunday but off monday and tuesday.
Ill be out there.
I've hunted this very small woods (16 acres on 80 acres of ground) since 76. Most of my "scouting" is done checking my "usual areas" a few days during early season and watching for bigger rub patterns. I can about tell you where they will be. Sounds over confident but believe me, I am not.
I know good ones are THERE....placing myself within range of them on my bucket is indeed fun and challenging but doe hunting too till "that time" arrives and the bigger bucks come out more often.
I see a few nice ones early but it's rare. WAY too much corn around this area for them to frequent the woods till looking for the girls.
Hunting mostly with my 52 (birth year) Bear bows (but the way Im shooting my 66 K it may lead the season) this year, I'm anxious to whack a few....just hoping no "just ok" bucks show up so Im not too tempted.
.........but if I take one...it will be my choice and it will be a trophy to me regardless of what is out there. Never shot one yet I've "regreted" shooting....yish.
I dont get too "hung up" on inches. I just like bigger body bucks with some mass yet a lot of years a decent 2 year old just gets TOO close and TOO good a shot presents itself.......and I cant stand it. LOL
When they are all pumped up during the prerut and rut........dang arent they AWESOME?
and ......Aint it fun!!!?
God Bless