Species Minimum momentum (in slugs)
Eland (?), gemsbuck, blue wildebeest, kudu 0,4
Red hartebeest, black wildebeest, tsessebe, nyala 0,38
Impala, blesbuck, bushbuck, reedbuck 0,35
Springbuck, mountain reedbuck and all small game 0,3
Table 2: Minimum momentum required for hunting the common species in SA.
I know of two gentlemen in particular that have no issues taking approx. a dozen moose, nearly as many black bear and a grizz with this similar set-up. They use woodsmans and snuffers. Note: the grizz was taken with a woodsman.
Personally, I would desire more however it comes down to personal ethics, personal experience, personal confidence and what is legal. Note: I no little of the lower limits used to harvest bison.