Thanks again folks!!
To answer a few of your questions:
Yes Kip, Billy's playoff game is why I left Bear quest early this year. After going undefeated all year they lost in the final game and finished second to a team they had beat everytime in the regular season, it was a good lesson for our boy's.
For the guy from Mass., we live in the north west corner of CT.
Billy shot a 40lb longbow built by Big Ed from PA.(Thanks again Ed) His draw is at 22" and believe it or not the best arrow combo as far as flight and accuracy was a 2216, 29" long with a 250gr woodsman up front, approx. 670gr. The arrow went through the back of the right shoulder and broke the leg on the opposite side! When I get the youtube clip of His hunt up you will be able to see what I am telling you. I was very impressed with the bow and arrow performance to say the least. And would go so far as to say it would be hard to believe if I had not seen it with my own eye's. Our veteran bowhunting friends and family could not believe what they were seeing as well.