We were blessed with cool temps this morning. I had my stand set up in some red oak trees. We have no white oak acorns this year, so the deer are swarming to the red oaks right now.
I shot this old doe at 8:40 this morning. The shot happened fast, she was 22 yards when I shot her. I felt the shot was a little back, so I backed out, went home for some food, then returned at lunch.
I was hunting near a stream, which crosses under the dirt farm road about 200 yards from my stand. As I was driving back in to track her, I thought, "it would be nice if she was floating in the stream". I stopped on the small bridge, glanced up stream about 80 yards, and there she was! No tracking at all on this one!
The shot was just a bit back, it clipped both lungs and the liver.
I was using my DAS Gen I bow, Axis FMJ arrows, and Snuffer SS 125 gr broadheads. Not much time for a long, drawn out story, I have another tag to use today!!

Here is a pic with my boy celebrating with dad!!