It was a great day here in Va, a bit windy but a blessing to be able to be back in the woods.My morning was spent in a patch of hemlock tres and oaks.Had a smallherd of doe run in on my trail and spook when they got near my stand.I got qtr draw and that was it.Nice to have that deerie feelin again.I smiled and welcomed myself back to the wonderful memory book we all carry inour minds.
I decided to go to another spot that I haven't ever bowhunted before.I went in a little earlier just to see what foods might be available,Found a nice splt White Oak surrounded by some Reds that were dropping.I decided with the west wind and the expected travel route that this would be home for the next several hours,
I settled in and admired God's bounty that was bestowed on me.The rustling winds the occasional nut that had fallen and the blue skies above.Just about then is when it happened,I saw movement in a direction that wasn't wind friendly,at least for hunting purposes.I first saw the dark body and all of a sudden the biggest buck that I had ever seen while bowhunting appeared.My heart stopped for a second or two.This Bruiser was heading down towards me but right in the path of my scent.
Granted I became nervous.I watched the big 140-150 class monster get all nervous himself.The big ole mahogony rack looked at me stopped turned at 35 yds and gave me that sad moment of leaving the scene with that horns way past ears scene and bounded away,Yes I was sad but just so thankful as well.I now know I will have to build some real rock solid strageties that area.
I guess it was a hour later this 6 pt or 4 heck I really didn't look that hard,came from the same area.He hit the trail I hoped Bruiser would have taken.He turned and walked the opposite way,I grabbed the ole can call hit it a few times and he came right back.I had him at 15 yds walking straight towards me and with his head up trying to catch my scent.Finally he turned giving me an oppotunity,I relesed an FMJ with a Wensel and I saw him hit the ground an watched my once thought to be perfectly shot arrow fly right over his back.He was so alerted he must had already planned that escape.LOL.I just wanted to share with my TRad Family another memory locked away in these ole Va woods.Good luck to all and maybe I just have a pic or two these year to share.