Well, for the second year in a row I left my camera for the Mrs. to take for the day (parade yesterday), and have no field photos. :rolleyes:
I used my fawn bleat to bring her in, but she stopped outside of my lanes behind some overhanding limbs. When I went it blow again, the reed was too damp-- no sound! :(
She decided to leave with her button buck in tow along a treeline angling away. A yote started barking 100 yds up that same treeline, so she changed her mind, turned back, and began pacing toward me.
Finally she circled in front of him and offered me a shot quartering away at 17 yds.
Went in at the back of the rib cage; came out just in front of the offside leg crease. 100 yds later, she expired 30 ft from the field's dirt road. No need for Dad's homemade deer cart today!