Saturday mourning found me in my favorite early season tree stand.I had just settled in when I thought I heard deer already.I am thinking no not yet its still to dark to shoot.As it started to slowly get day light I saw a couple squirrels digging around in the dry leaves.Another 20 minutes go by and its starting to get good shooting light and I hear deer coming for sure this time.I am not even in hunter mode yet and here come 4 does.I have hunted out of this tree for years and is in a great spot for a 15 yd shot.It looks like the biggest one is bringing up the rear and I am thinking with this many eyes let them all pass and shot the last one going away.Thats when # 3 in line stops and has me pegged,what happenened I did not move any at all I am standing in shooting position,my back to the tree and 25 ft in the air.I swear these east Tx whitetails should have thier own catagory.She started the stomping deal slowly backing up and then blew at me.I'm thinking no way is this happening and I have only been hunting for about 30 minutes.Deer started going every which direction,lucky for me one stopped to look back trying to see what was going on. It did not take but an instant for my Black Widow to spring into action.At the shot the hit was high and futher back then I wanted but the deer took of on a death run.Plowing over any thing in her way,than I heard the crash then no sound at all.This year I am shooting much lower poundage due to a shoulder injury.I was concerened about the weight at 46# at my 28" draw shooting simmons intercepters but that arrow was stuck in the ground 4-5".Now not so worried about the weight.

Here is a pic where the arrow is stuck in the ground with the red stuff already.