Cool thread. I enjoy hearing what you guys and gals see in your part of the country.
I can't even keep track of all the game I have seen since our season for pronghorns opened Aug 15th.
I will just start with today. Right at light I spotted 2 bull elk while I was hunting deer. I do have an elk tag for this area and went after the bulls. They won as I lost them.
I saw a few hundred pronghorns today, (my tags are already filled), about twenty doe mule deer, and two 4x4 mulie bucks. I could not try a stalk on the bucks because I am hunting some private, and the landowner only wants cull bucks shot. No 3x4's or 2x3's spotted today for a stalk.
Also saw a raccoon, and called a pair of coyotes, but they circled downwind and caught my scent way out of range, 200 yards or so. Them buggers can sure smell. What a test for those gimmick scent suits and spray.
Saw lots of chipmunks also, and a few sage grouse.
Yesterday I just saw a few does, and introduced a jackrabbit to a 160 VPA glued to a Douglas Fir shaft. (to graphic for pics)