Went to one of my properties a mile from the house. Wind was light SW. Was sitting on my fold up stool 19 yards from a well used trail. It's been a while since I've seen deer here, but the situation was perfect. Got in at 4:23pm. At 4:55, I notice movement from the SW. Perfect, wind in my face. Only takes a second to see antlers..that's all I saw at first. The sun was making them shine as he came my way. I thought, "Nice buck". As he gets closer, I thought, "Damn, real nice buck". And my heart gets pounding pretty good. He comes to the stream, which runs by me on my left at 10' or so. Jumps the stream, takes a few steps past the trees blocking my view...and stops, broadside at 19 yards. Draw, anchor, aim, release....arrow goes 10 inches to the left, right past his chest and THWAP into a dead log. He turns and hauls butt, branches breaking and mud flying. Stops 40-50 yards out and snorts his head off.
I know he didn't see me or smell me. But, I scared the hell out of him. Big 8 pt, with tall rack.
Don't know what went wrong, so when I get home, I shoot 6 shots from 19 yards. Three of my shots go left 10". If I cant the bow to 2:00 (which I did at deer), arrow usually hits within 3" of focus point. WTH? How do I fix whatever is wrong? While practicing over the summer, I would occasionally hit left, but not often. I'm thinking maybe I didn't follow through and plucked the string.
0/2 with the longbow.