I had a long,hard day at work, the kids I work with are on fall break, we hit the log woods and cut 4 huge pickup loads of wood. Obviously, staff use the chainsaws. I got home after working overtime, took a shower and ate a bite, decided to shoot a couple of bows before dark. We are overrun with skunks here, whole neighbor hood for about 4 miles, so anytime we get a crack at one, we try to eliminate them. I see this one coming across the field, towards the house, so I make beeline, drop my target quiver,and instead of a .22 rifle, I grab my homade stalker type Quiver with my broadheads and head around the house. He is on the patio when I see him about 15yds away, close enough for me with any skunk. I pulled one of my deer/hog hunting setups, out, anchored and let fly. Arrow zipped thru the vitals, skipped off the concrete, and thru a plastic dishpan, both sides, and thru one side of a 5 gallon bucket with water in it, stuck in th off side! Talk about overkill! The skunk teters off back into the field about 20 yards and expires. I was shooting a GT 35/55, with 175 up front, for 545 grains total, out of a #50 Quinn Stallion. Wife asked me why I used that one, didnt I have anything heavier for those "vicious Cannibal Skunks" on the attack. Oh well, shooting trad is great, even when shooting skunks. Thought you all would have a laugh.