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Author Topic: A jSaturday Afternoon Hunt  (Read 394 times)

Offline Interseptor

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A jSaturday Afternoon Hunt
« on: October 04, 2011, 08:53:00 PM »
My budy Big Rich and I have been in deer every time we step into the woods.  We've been hunting a hardwood ridge that is covered with big white oaks.
This is one of the best crops of whiteoaks that I have ever seen on the river. The ridge is just loaded with deer candy.  The whiteoaks are falling so heavy that they are all in the creek bed and the deer have it torn up!
Palmetto Traditional Bowhunters
Carolina Traditional Archers

Offline lpcjon2

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Re: A jSaturday Afternoon Hunt
« Reply #1 on: October 04, 2011, 09:08:00 PM »
Very Nice, I look forward to seeing a deer with a broadhead wound soon.
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Offline Interseptor

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Re: A jSaturday Afternoon Hunt
« Reply #2 on: October 04, 2011, 09:11:00 PM »
Well on this Saturday, Big Rich couldn't make the hunt so another budy and his son tagged along for the hunt.  So we went in and hunted the ridge.  I hunted a tree in a pinch crossing along the creek.  The wind was wipping and I was not sure if we would have any action.  About an hour before sun down, the wind died an the action began.  Two deer fed down the ridge behind me just out of range.  I watched as they headed towards my budy and his son.  As they moved down the ridge towards the bottom, the wind began to swirl and they turned around and began to move in my direction.  I stood and readied for a shot as the first doe jump the ditch.  She walked to the base of my tree and stopped just five yards out.  I took the shot and hit her in the back right in the rib cage.  The lazer nock lit up red as she ran back up the hollow into the woods.  The second doe calmly walked up the hollow after her and minutes later I heard what sounded like a dead tree falling.  I got out of the tree and walked up the hollow.  15 yards into the trail the lazer nock jumped out at me. The doe piled up at the back of the wooded hollow and never made it out.  When the deer processor skint her out, we found a big gash in the ribs made by the Inerseptor.  The lungs had been taken out.  I just want to say that Dave, the new owner of Simmons Broadheads, is doing a great job. The heads have a better grind on them are get sharp quick.  This is the third deer that I have shot with the heads since last year.  This was a truely blessed day.
Palmetto Traditional Bowhunters
Carolina Traditional Archers

Offline Mudd

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Re: A jSaturday Afternoon Hunt
« Reply #3 on: October 04, 2011, 09:19:00 PM »
Trying to make a difference
Psalm 37:4
Roy L "Mudd" Williams
TGMM- Family Of The Bow
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Offline Hooper

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Re: A jSaturday Afternoon Hunt
« Reply #4 on: October 04, 2011, 09:28:00 PM »
Nice shooting! Congrats!
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