Originally posted by sweeney3: Black locust was a preferd bow of some woodland tribes. Makes a fine bow. Get ahold of the Traditional Bowyers Bible series and start chewing. Good times ahead. Make sure you're looking at black locust rather than honey locust though. Makes a better bow, plus the whole thorn thing.
Originally posted by kctreeman: Black locust has small thorns and small seed pods. I think your looking at honey locust with long thorns and large seed pods. Check out arborday.com. I may be able hook you up with osage if you pm me.John
Originally posted by frank bullitt: Yes! Black locust, has a thick furrowed bark, small thorns on the limbs!Honey locust, has smooth, dark grey bark, large clusters of BIG thorns, on the trunk, and big foot long seed pods!Should be no problem, identifying, this time of year!