Well, I have a doe tag and a regular tag. I plan to put a doe in the freezer then hunt for a mature buck. I'm not doing it because of any score, just because we are trying to let the bucks in our area reach maturity.
I don't care much how many inches he is, just how many years. Some of the older bucks won't score very high anymore, but they have had their time. If I can put a doe in the freezer and don't get a buck, I can live with that. But last year I held out for a buck and went hungry. That's not happening again!
I kind of cringe when they talk about "the sport of filming hunting" on TV. They have to "score" in order to be successful, even if it means putting up the bow and grabbing a muzzle loader or high powered rifle.
I've had many successful hunts during which I never drew my bow, but I don't suppose the average television viewer would find them very appealing. One of the things I enjoy about Tred Barta is the fact that he films hunts that are much like mine. He doesn't have to kill something to have a successful hunt. Sometimes the antics he uses to fill time on a successful, non-lethal hunt are corny and even annoying, but his point that getting out there and challenging yourself can be rewarding whether the trophy ends up one the wall or in your heart suits me to a tee.
The fact that lots of folks just don't get it, though Tradgang members mostly do, is something I can live with. Last weekend I had an awesome hunt with my two sons. I had a coyote come through at 20 yards (running so no shot) and a fork buck hanging out under my tree for 30 minutes. I could have taken him several times but preferred to watch and wait for a doe. Then when my sons came over by my stand to set up a trail cam on a nearby scrape, another fork buck walked to within 25 yards of us while we stood talking about where the camera should be...at 11:00 a.m.! Is that cool or what? On film...probably not. Nothing died, nothing got "scored," and we had to eat pizza instead of backstraps, but it was still a great weekend.
The Walmart guys will never have such an awesome time...too bad for them!