I am thinking about making my one piece Centaur into a two piece traveling bow... and I need you opinions please!
She shoots like a dream, and she is my first custom bow I ordered from someone else, it'd be a shame to get rid of her.
What else is out there besides the bow bolt that is a retrofit type system? The riser is really dense cocobollo, the weight is 60# at my 26" draw length, 58" overall...
I'd like to be able to do it myself, I have access to just about any tool I'd need, as well as enough experience to be comfortable doing it. But I am not opposed to sending it out either, as I know that journeymen like myself are journeymen, and craftsmen are craftsmen....
The only real complication is the stippling and the carved elk horn in the handle. A strip of phenolic crossing the grip would be fine, I can carve it to match.
Any ideas?
The handle: