So I was out for the first time this year, still hunting. This is my preferred way of hunting as I get bored and cold in stand. Well I was doing everything "right". Moving slowly, stopping every few steps surveying the area, and waiting before moving on. Well as seems to happen way too often I stopped at one point in an area that I know the deer move through, stood in a bush and looked and listened for ten minutes. Waiting to see if I could hear any deer moving or see anything in the woods. Nothing happened so I decide to move on and after taking one step a deer I couldn't see bounds off from about forty yards away, through the thick brush.
I like to hunt this way but am no expert by any stretch, and this got me thinking; What is the right thing to do at this point. The deer didn't snort or blow, just bounded off as if something was not right but not sure what it was. Do you just keep moving the way you are going, circle around and try to head the deer off, or call it quites on the area and move to another spot.
For me the day was too nice to quit and I only had a couple of hours, so I kept moving as if nothing had happened and eventually circled around to where I thought the deer might have run of to to then move to the feeding field.
So what do you all do in a situation like this. Any insights would be a big help to myself and all the other clod hoppers out there.
P.S. I didn't see the deer agian.