***Merely a suggestion Jon***
Limited hunt time likely severely cuts down scout and prep time.
Finding even greater enjoyment in enterpretting changing patterns establishing higher potential strategies for prime time may pay big dividends.
Many a season, some hunters(myself included) may spend well over 50% of their time, even during the season scouting,studying and strategizing for prime time. In my case, I may have four carefully selected and prepped set-ups established by prime time that I absolutely don't hunt until prime time. Stealthy entry and exit routes are established even though I have to walk an additional 30" out of my way.
It is quite possible to find yourself enjoying this part of the hunt plan being equal to and/or exceeding the fulfillment of the actual hunt. Have many times found myself hunting a perimeter stand which was not providing any additional future strategic information, since I was focused on prime time, and just tortured myself even though I was still seeing activity.
Several days of hunting both ideal location and timing may yield far more than a total season of hunts where constant prep time took a much lower priority.
Best of luck!!!!