Well thus far this season has been tough. The 2 big deer that I have been dogging for the last week have given me the slip. I had a beast of a deer at 50 yards opening evening but a silly coyote yelped in bow range from me and that was enough to turm them somewhat, cruising just out of range.
I had a great hunt tonight with an "almost" buck walking right to me and within 2 yards. Sorry no pics of him...that deer I had seen with one of my bigger, older deer and I was thinkin' about a showdown
But it was not to be. He was solo this afternoon.
So with twighlight approaching I took advantage of a doe family group coming to the acorns. When I say come I mean run. It was like a dinner bell went off. I passed the first couple. They came on the same trail as the smaller 8 pointer eariler. I picked out the largest doe in the bunch and locked in. She had fawns but both were big and their spots were gone. I bleated her to a stop, picked a spot and dropped the string. Perfect! She didn't go 50 yards and crashed. Double lung pass-through using my Talltines longbow 57 at 29.5, using a GT Trad 75-95 with a 160 gr grain Ace Standard (100 insert) with a total arrow weight of 614 grains. The hole was a standard 2 blade hole. But the blood trail was a Ray Charles type highway of crimson
My children ages 9 and 7 helped me "track" it. It will be fine tablefare for my wildgame lovin' family.
Now bring on the horns, bring on the cold weather! For time being it will be some backstraps tomorrow night and a little red wine tonight. A toast to the beasts of the earth and thanks to God for the life of a hunter