I agree with Buddy that you may have wrist and tissue issues that make things worse for you. If I want to experience hand shock with a Hill style bow, I try to draw one 2 inches longer than my normal longbow draw. When I extend my arm out straight, bridge up on the grip, then squeeze it a bit, and rip my fingers off the string on the release, it is like getting struck by lightening with one longbow that I have and no longer shoot. Other than the ripping release and the tight grip, that is how I shot my target bow. With my longbows i let the bow sink into my hand to find its own settling spot, I hold it tight enough so it does not move much on the release, my bow arm elbow finds a natural bend, my shoulders are not jammed up tight, and everything is in a neutral mid position with no extreme jams or extensions. But that's just how I do it. Still I have shot some longbows that jar my brain cells loose when I least expect it. On everyone of those I have altered the bow to make it less so. If I made gains in how the bow shot, I ended up giving them away. On the other hand there were a couple of very expensive bonfires when I went to far.
The other side of this is, I shot a Stotler recurve and a couple of Jack Howards. That , for me, extended stretch to get to a 28" draw, does not work for hunting. There have been a couple of Jack Howards for sale lately, oh how I wanted to buy one of them. With my shortened draw they would not work for me, so I had to pass. Same story for the Stotler recurve, a beautiful and yet agile long recurve, but it will not function at my short draw. Regrettably, not all bows work when one finds that his best draw length is shorter or for some who wish to shoot short bows, longer than normal. Lucky for us there are many styles to choose from. I would consider in your case not so much what shape you want the bow to be, but rather, what kind of form do you want to use and what kind of a shot do you want to take and find the bow that does that job best for you. My personal record for shooting quarters out of the air in succession at ten yards was not done with a longbow, it was a Bear Super Kodiak.