There are a couple of things that make a bow that is relatively shock free.
1. Light limbs and tips.
2. Perfect limb timing adjusted tiller to your sty;e shooting.
3. not only decent riser weight (physical) but riser stifness.
My suggestion if you want a super smooth , shcckless longbow is to get a double carbon, foam core,with a recurve grip , i beam style riser and medium to heavy d and r limb profile. I build that kind of bow, several others build that kind of bow. I believe Morrison may, I know Kirk at Bigfoot bows does and I believe Zipper does. Check with the guys on this site and they will tell you. for smothness and light shock you have to have light weight limbs that are timed and tillered correctly. That is the main key.
If you are comfortable with the recurve style grip I am sure a good bowyer can copy even the grip you are using,. '
Thats my take on it, God bless you and good luck, Steve