the classic longbow design ("hill style", elb, "indian bow", whatever), whether backset, straight or bellyset limbs, has an inherent "handshock". it's there to some degree, mostly more than the shooter likes. oh yes it's there. always has, always will be - pure physics.
it (the shock) is a by-product of design that can be *tamed* in a variety of ways, but it's still there, waiting to bite you if you don't take measures into your hand (pun somewhat intended). redirect that misguided energy with heavier missiles and minimal hand contact, for starters.
take that same design and begin to snake the limbs and the shock value decreases. we all know that, nothing new. don't see what all the fuss is about .... it is what it is and you can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear. and maybe we shouldn't. i wouldn't.