Most people do not use cameras to "pinpoint" a buck and waltz in there and kill him. Most of the time they are placed in high traffic, night time areas for seeing what's out there, if bucks are in "an area," finding out if you have too many hogs or coons, etc. Also, if you are working hard to manage property - planting trees, shredding, food plots, thinning timber, passing bucks, it is a way to confirm the results of what you are doing and give you some motivation.
It can be like a side hobby and a lot of "fun" to stay up late looking at pics - beats watching a crappy hunting show on tv.
I'm also not sure that going in and trying to "pinpoint" a big buck is all that doable in a lot of circumstances. Just about every mature buck I've seen on cam is always looking right at the cam and avoids that area until night. Everyone knows about "educating" deer, and constantly checking cams is certainly one way to do that.